Journal Articles

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Expert system based on computer vision to estimate the content of impurities in olive oil samples Journal of Food Engineering 119(2), 220-228

An industrial vision system for surface quality inspection of transparent parts International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 68(5-8), 1123-1136

Ensamblaje automático de piezas con desviaciones dimensionales Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial 9(4), 383-392

A machine vision system for defect characterization on transparent parts with non-plane surfaces Machine Vision and Applications 23(1), 383-392

Situación actual y perspectivas futuras del control del proceso de elaboración del aceite de oliva virgen Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial 8(3), 258-269

Expert system based controller for the high-accuracy automatic assembly of vehicle headlamps Expert Systems With Applications 12818-12825

Industrial assembly of parts with dimensional variations. Case study: assembling vehicle headlamps Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 1001-1010

Self-calibrated robotic manipulator force observer Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 25(2), 366-378

Sensor fusion for compliant robot motion control IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24(2), 430-441

Robotic software architecture for multisensor fusion system IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56(3), 766-777

A sensor planning system for automated headlamp lens inspection Expert Systems with Applications 36(5), 8768-8777

Online system for the identification and classification of olive fruits for the olive oil production process Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 13(1), 716-727

Olive fly sting detection based on computer vision Postharvest Biology and Technology 150, 129-136

Advanced LMS Integration of SCORM Web Laboratories IEEE Access 4, 6352-6363

3D object recognition for anthropomorphic robots performing tracking tasks International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 104(4), 1403-1412

Non-Invasive Methodology to Estimate Polyphenol Content in Extra Virgin Olive Oil Based on StepwiseMultilinear Regression Sensors 18(4), 975-975

Expert System for Monitoring the Malaxing State of the Olive Paste Based on Computer Vision Sensors 18(7), 2227

ART2ool: A Model-Driven Framework to Generate Target Code for Robot Handling Tasks International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 97(1), 1195-1207

A computer vision approach based on endocarp features for the identification of olive cultivars Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 154, 341-346

Fast and Reliable Determination of Virgin Olive Oil Quality by Fruit Inspection Using Computer Vision Sensors 18(11), 1-13

Visualization and Interpretation Tool for Expert Systems based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps IEEE Access 7, 6140-6150

Application of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Run-to-Run Control to a Decision Support System for Global SetPoint Determination IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47(99), 1-12

Aproximación basada en UML para el diseño y codificación automática de plataformas robóticas manipuladoras Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial 14(1), 82-93

Stochastic season-wide optimal production planning of virgin olive oil Journal of Process Control 72, 64-73

Quality inspection of machined metal parts using an image fusion technique Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 111, 374-383

A methodology to Obtain Learning Effective Laboratories with Learning Managament System Integration IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

Laboratorio Web SCORM de Control PID con Integración Avanzada Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial 13(4), 472-483

A novel model-driven approach to support development cycle of robotic systems International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 1-15

Advanced LMS Integration of SCORM Web Laboratories IEEE Access 4, 6352-6363

Novel Technologies for Monitoring the In-Line Quality of Virgin Olive Oil during Manufacturing and Storage Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 96(14), 4644-4662

On-line system based on hyperspectral information to estimate acidity, moisture and peroxides in olive oilsamples Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 116, 1-7

Sorting Olive Batches for the Milling Process Using Image Processing Sensors 15(7), 15738-15754

Zero Defect Manufacturing in the Food Industry: Virgin Olive Oil Production Applied Sciences 12(10), 5184

Automatic Detection of Olive Tree Canopies for Groves with Thick Plant Cover on the Ground Sensors 22(16), 6219.

Application of a lab-made voltammetric electronic tongue to identify musty and vinegary defects in olive oils Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization

Cleaning system, batch sorting and traceability between field-industry in the mechanical harvesting of table olives Postharvest Biology and Technology 199, 112278

Constraint Reformulations for Set Point Optimization Problems using Fuzzy Cognitive Map Models Optimal Control, Applications and Methods

Classification of olive fruits and oils based on their fatty acid ethyl esters content using electronic nosetechnology Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 15(6), 5427–5438

Prediction of Fruity Aroma Intensity and Defect Presence in Virgin Olive Oil Using an Electronic Nose Sensors 21(7), 2298

Fast tool based on electronic nose to predict olive fruit quality after harvest Postharvest Biology and Technology 160

Automatic system for the detection of defects on olive fruits in an oil mill Applied Sciences 11 (17)

The Advantage of Multispectral Images in Fruit Quality Control for Extra Virgin Olive Oil Production Food Analytical Methods 15(1), 75–84